End of Tenancy Cleaning in Hunsbury

Feeling anxious about the upcoming move and cleaning tasks? Do not be concerned! I Noble Cleaners are here to help with expert end-of-tenancy cleaning in Hunsbury.

We understand you already have a lot going on and are occupied with myriad tasks. Therefore, we curb your strain, assisting with the immaculate cleaning of your residence.

About Us

With a legacy of thousands of successfully executed jobs and many happy clients, I Noble Cleaners has made a discrete name among the top professional cleaning contractors in the area. Our distinctive services are suited for every kind of home, office, and hospitality sector.

We are professional cleaners, well-resourced and trained, to provide premium-class service to our clients, taking delight in serving you with expert cleaning solutions.

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Office cleaning

Who Do We Serve?

  • Tenants: Before moving out to a new place, we provide service to tenants to make sure they leave the rental places clean and without any stains.
  • Landlords: From time to time, property owners utilise our service to ensure their properties are kept clean and well-maintained.

What We Provide

We provide versatile services involving various techniques to return the property to its original state.

Areas We Cover

Kitchen Cleaning

  • Appliances: Cleaning the appliances like oven and fridge
  • Floor: Sweeping and mopping the floor to remove all stains
  • Surfaces and Cabinetry: Cleaning sinks, cupboards and cooking utensils

Bathroom Cleaning

  • Sanitary ware: Cleaning toilets, showers, taps, and sinks of all kinds of mould and dust.
  • Surfaces: Cleaning mirrors and tiles to remove any stains on them

Bedroom Cleaning

  • Beds: Cleaning the bed frames and mattresses of all the dust and stains
  • Surfaces: Cleaning mirrors and tiles and remove any stains on them
  • Floor: Vacuuming and mopping the floor to remove any stains

Types of Services

General Cleaning:

  • All Rooms: Mopping the floors and dusting all surfaces, including cabinets, walls, ceilings, and doors, and removing limescale on tiles and taps.
  • Carpet Cleaning: Cleaning all carpets throughout the house with special eco-friendly cleaning agents
  • Windows: Cleaning the windows from each side (internally and externally)
  • Blinds and curtains: Cleaning the curtains and blinds
  • Vacuum: Removing all furniture and vacuuming the whole house
  • Mopping: Mopping the whole house to remove any stains

Deep Cleaning:

  • Removing Cobwebs: We get you rid of the cobwebs from the ceilings and walls.
  • Sanitising: We sanitise the whole house to eradicate any bacteria, germs and allergies.
  • Cleaning Electric Appliances: We clean all hard-to-reach areas, including light bulbs and electric switches.
  • Thorough Carpet Cleaning: We eliminate all the dander, microbes, and allergens with specialised carpet cleaning services.
End of Tenancy Cleaning

Let's Talk About Your Project

End of Tenancy Cleaning

Additional Services:

  • Emptying and cleaning bins: Dumping the trash into the trash truck and cleaning the bins.
  • Garden cleaning: Cleaning the patios, decks and front walkways.

Why I Noble Cleaners?

I Noble Cleaners stands out among the leading cleaning contractors owing to its impeccable commitment to top-notch quality and professionalism.

  • Highly experienced and professional cleaning staff
  • Versatile techniques to clean every type of stain
  • Customised cleaning packages for all budgets and needs
  • Fully licenced and insured cleaning company
  • Instant quote on different plans
  • Same-day end-of-tenancy cleaning services

Connect with I Noble

Reach out to us

  • Contact our customer care services through a phone call, webpage form, or WhatsApp.
  • You can email us at info@inoblecleaners.com
  • You can follow us on social media to get updates on our recent activities and plans

Discuss your needs

  • Discuss your cleaning needs and other requirements to get a cost quote.
  • Tell us the time and location and the type of cleaning you need.

Get the job done

  • Our professional cleaners will be at your doorstep at the scheduled time to get the job done!
End of Tenancy Cleaning


An end-of-tenancy cleaning is a type of cleaning which is done when a tenant moves out of a rented accommodation. It is essential to do this before a new tenant moves in.

To get the best results, it is advised to empty and defrost the refrigerator and freezer 24 hours before service begins. If the refrigerator/freezer is still frozen when the cleaner arrives, they may not be able to clean it properly

With work, home moving, and other responsibilities, not everyone has time to clean their property. Hiring a professional cleaner for end-of-tenancy ensures a thorough cleaning, avoiding rushed and haphazard efforts.

When it comes to the duration of an end-of-tenancy cleaning, it varies and there is no universal time frame. Typically, it takes 6 to 8 hours for a standard, 2-bedroom house. With that being said, our team of highly skilled professionals excel in completing tasks with speed and efficiency.

What Our Clients Say

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